Friday 31 October 2014

Artist representations through album covers

Album artwork during the late 80's through to the early 2000's was distinctly different to modern album covers being released to day. These differences are comparable to that found within Hip Hop magazines mentioned in a previous post ( Older album covers have a tendency to carry a more 'gritty' aesthetic quality; commonly featuring asymmetrical and jagged fonts, stronger colours and greater use of low angles/medium shots, featuring a larger proportion of the artists body.

Examples of such are found below:

NWA - 'Straight Outta Compton' cover (1988)

Raekwon - 'Only Built 4 Cuban Linx' (1994)

MF DOOM - 'Mm... Food' (2004)

In order to maximise the appeal of my final product to my target audience, I plan to reflect the style of these covers in my work, in order to represent my featured artists in a similar manner to the niche audiences expectations. 

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