Friday 31 October 2014

Aesthetic conventions of Hip Hop magazines

Aesthetic conventions of Hip Hop magazines:

Contemporary Hip Hop magazines tend to feature 'clean' aesthetics. This is generated through a minimalistic page layout and colour scheme, paired with what can be generalised as modern and rectangular fonts when it comes to headlines.

The above example bears the aforementioned features; a simple three-tone (white, red, black) colour scheme, a bold modern headline font and a blank white background. The 'clean' aesthetic quality of the article connotes professionalism, representing the artist in a manner which will most likely gain mass appeal due to the contemporary and somewhat white-collar manner in which the artist is presented to the audience. This representation indirectly suggests wealth and success through the overall appearance of the page, qualities which modern rappers generally associate themselves with through their music. This representation carries on from the target audience’s generic expectations of the artists, thus appealing to the widest range of the focus demographic as possible. 

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