Friday, 2 January 2015

AJA: Research Mark

Miles Orec

AO4: Undertake and apply appropriate research

Level 5
The ability to undertake and apply appropriate research is excellent, as evidenced in detail on the blog with relevant examples of film or magazine production elements. The finished product also demonstrates the effectiveness of this research. Research informs the creative critical reflection to a high degree.
Level 4
The ability to undertake and apply appropriate research is competent, as evidenced on the blog with relevant examples of film or magazine production elements. The finished product also demonstrates evidence of this research. Research informs the creative critical reflection to a good degree.
Level 3
The ability to undertake and apply appropriate research is apparent at a satisfactory level, as evidenced on the blog with some examples of film or magazine production elements. The finished product also demonstrates some evidence of this research. Research will inform the creative critical reflection to some degree.
Level 2
The ability to undertake and apply appropriate research is apparent at a limited level, as evidenced on the blog, with limited examples of film or magazine production elements. The finished product also demonstrates limited evidence of this research. Research informs the creative critical reflection to a limited degree.
Level 1
The ability to undertake and apply appropriate research is apparent at a minimal level, as evidenced on the blog with examples of film or magazine production elements barely apparent. The finished product also demonstrates minimal evidence of this research. Research informs the creative critical reflection to a minimal degree.
Level 0
There is no evidence of ability to undertake and apply appropriate research.

  1. Complete following tasks: Audience profile, Drafting, shot plans, DPS article, Production schedule, Final photos for all pages
  2. Audience profile – follow guidance on task list and do this properly!
  3. Music photographer research – discuss which ideas you will use in your own photography and how
  4. Gender representation – link to your own product – will you use conventional gender representation?
  5. Colour scheme analysis – add colour swatches for all pages and then show colour swatches for your own product pages
  6. Title block design – discuss ideas in more detail – font styles, colours and connotations
  7. Focus group video – evaluate responses in detail – how will you use this information for your own product?
  8. Magazine analysis – Complete this – 3 contents pages and 3 double page spreads
  9. PROOF READ AND CORRECT ALL POSTS – spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitals etc

DEADLINE: January 15 2015